


I’d lie if I would say I haven’t suffered my fair share of “chicken legs” and “no calves” comments and the whole reason this guide came to existence is a simple fact that at one point I just got tired of it.

We all heard “calves are all genetics” and “training them is pointless” claims and I’m here to tell you that they’re all plain bullshit.

Yes! Calves due to their evolutionary role and a few other factors which we’ll cover in this guide might be a bit more “hypertrophy resistant” but at the end of the day they’re muscle just like any other and that means they have a certain growth potential.

You can’t change your muscle belly shape or insertion length but you can add a certain amount of muscle between insertion and origin point. If your calves have high insertions well sorry I can’t change that but I can show you how to maximize their genetic growth potential.

That is exactly what I’ll share with you in this guide. Whatever is your training background, experience or no matter how bad your genetics is I guarantee you there’s a way to make those stubborn twigs grow.

This guide gives you what, how and why to increase your calves training efficiency and maximize your overall calves development!

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